Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Instrument 2013 trailer

2013 Instrument trailer from gary collins on Vimeo.

For those who missed this at the Zach Kincaid part release, we ve began working on a full length video to be filmed and edited by Andy Licardi who also edited this trailer..Taylor Nawrocki, Zach Kincaid, and Kokomo Joe will all be featured as well..Stay tuned for more updates and thanks for all the support..Oh yeah, for those in Cincinnati, the 8th annual Christmas party will be on the 23rd at Mayday...


  1. Always liked this guys skating. Very much a break from the norm. Really cool trick selection and style. The wallride melon was so dope, totally baffled me. The Japan on the TWS cover is so sick. How do you get that high out of that thing??

  2. what is a 'switch backside melon'? Find out on this page about skateboard for more information about skating...
