Monday, May 24, 2010


So we had the big fundraiser in newport at the bridge yesterday.. i blew it by not shooting any photos at all. guess i was too busy skating and buying beers. There was a small run in with the police. apparently some kids mom called the cops on us for drinking. you stupid bitch, we're making somewhere for your kid to go safely. So a couple cops showed up for a minute and high school once again saved the day and sent them packing.... Anyway big shouts to everybody who came. Some notables were Alex Davis, Jap, Moe, Kokomo Joe, Devin Abner, the Koncrete city posse (good look on the bags of crete) Cov posse, Max White, High School, man theres just too many to mention everybody. thanks to every single person who threw any dough in the jar. heres a couple pics of the ledge before it was finished. also the fund raising will continue at galaxie...drop by say whats up drop a buck in the jar or buy an Instrument board. it all helps. peace.

1 comment:

  1. I got some video of u and Kokomo on the mini plus some others. Let me know if want it.
